
Using resticprofile from a docker image

You can run resticprofile inside a docker container. It is probably the easiest way to install resticprofile (and restic at the same time) and keep it updated.

But be aware that you will need to mount your backup source (and destination if it’s local) as a docker volume. Depending on your operating system, the backup might be slower. Volumes mounted on a mac OS host are well known for being quite slow.

By default, the resticprofile container starts at /resticprofile. So you can feed a configuration this way:

docker run -it --rm -v $PWD/examples:/resticprofile creativeprojects/resticprofile

You can list your profiles:

docker run -it --rm -v $PWD/examples:/resticprofile creativeprojects/resticprofile profiles

Container host name

Each time a container is started, it gets assigned a new random name.

You might want to force a hostname when starting your container via docker run (flags -h or --hostname):

docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/resticprofile -h my-hostname creativeprojects/resticprofile -n profile backup


Starting from version 0.18.0, the resticprofile docker image is available in these 2 platforms:

  • linux/amd64
  • linux/arm64/v8 (compatible with raspberry pi 64bits)


Starting from version 0.18.0, the resticprofile docker image also includes rclone.

Scheduling with docker compose

There’s an example in the contribution section how to schedule backups in a long running container. The configuration needs to specify crond as a scheduler.

See contrib